The Zeropollution4watercluster was presented for the first time at the Water Knowledge Europe event on the 19th of October in Brussels. The Water Projects Europe Workshop served as a platform to delve into the contribution to the implementation of EU Legislation and Research and innovation of the seven above EU-funded cited projects. It provided an exceptional opportunity to explore how these initiatives can complement and support one another in achieving the shared goal of ensuring water quality and safeguarding public health.
Furthermore, the seven projects shared their insights and knowledge on their ability to implement control at the source in order to preserve the quality of groundwater or surface water, implement risk management plans, and fill the Research and Innovation gaps.
Check the agenda:
The EU Zero Pollution landscape: how R&I projects can contribute to building the interface between policy and innovation.
EC REA Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment (REA.B.3) (TBC)
Projects of the cluster: “Contribution to implementation of EU Legislation and Research & Innovation for a pollution-free future”
Announced by: Andrea Rubini Water Europe
- Ainhoa Gaudes, LEITAT Technological Center – NINFA
- Eike Thaysen, IDAEA CSIC – UPWATER
- Rui C Martins, Coimbra University – H2O4All
- Luuk Rietveld, TuDelft – ToDrinQ
- Maria Jose Farre, ICRA – intoDBP
- Anissa Grieb, TUHH – SafeCREW
Action Plan of the ZeroPollution4Water Cluster 2023-2024
Andrea Rubini, Director of Operations, Water Europe
ICT4W Cluster & ZP4W Cluster: Building bridges and synergies.
Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, ICT4W Cluster coordinator and Andrea Rubini, Director of Operations, Water Europe
Panel Discussion and open debate with the public ”What actions or factors should be considered to promote the adoption of results from EU-funded R&I projects on Zero Pollution, while also evaluating their contribution to policy development?”’
DG RTD and REA representatives
Projects Coordinators/representative
Water Europe ZeroPollution Working Group Leadership
Moderated by: EC REA and EC DG RTD
Conclusions and take-aways
Networking lunch